I've taken an interest in Wiley Games' Fistful of Lead rules of late. I've found them flexible, playable, and entertaining. I used a mixed bag of the rules for the Christmas Adventure at the Hamilton Road Gaming Group's Holiday gathering. They cover skirmishes in all periods of history, the Wild West, Heroic fantasy, Sci-fi, both hard science and Flash Gordon-stuff, as well as Horror of many kinds. Space battles and giant Battle Suits games are covered as well, but I have no knowledge of those last two since they don't interest me. What can I say?
So we played two games of Wild West skirmish at the Games Group last week. I served as games master and Glenn, Bear, Rich, and Derrick all pushed lead. I was so wrapped up in the first game, I didn't take any photos! I caught a few of the second.
In the first game, each four-figure team had an identity, although it didn't really matter that they were "Settlers with a grudge", "the Posse", "the Outlaws", or "the Pinkertons." It was a basic shoot-'em-up to get used to the rules. Rich seems to be the guy who wins a lot, with Derrick getting wiped out early.
In the second game, Glenn took the role of a US Cavalry section guarding a pay chest. He had six figures while the other three had four figures each. It got wild and wooly and actually gruesome at times.
Glenn's troopers deploy to defend their pay.
The black bead on the sergeant's stand means he's "Out of ammo."Further deployment "It ain't jes' outlaws that'll kill ya, Slim. Mother Nature's nasty too!"
Sad to say, Jake the Snake did not score a hit.
Nobody needed the outhouse!Fast and furious action? Low blood sugar? A response to Derrick's t-shirt?
Your guess is as good as mine.Derrick's crew advances, but the troopers are ready!
The Figure With No Name stuns and wounds a trooper,
but wisely doesn't mess with Jake the Snake.
Small ring means a wound.Bear's mob moves to get a better angle for shooting.
Rich's gang of desperados won the day. Glenn had one wounded trooper left and he deserted the cavalry and joined the desperados, telling them where the pay chest was hidden. (Glenn told me before the game began and I kept the pay chest under an outhouse for safe keeping. This outing was fast, nasty, and gruesome, as well as a tremendous amount of fun. I'd recommend these Fistful of Lead rules for just about any skirmish setting. I don't know how well they'd work for WWI, WWII, or Modern war, but Rich and I agreed that it might even work for a Silver Bayonet setting! I'm adapting the Galactic Heroes rules for Dune and I intend to play test that game at the Games Group soon.
I've been in a painting mood of late and here are a few things I finished.
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20mm Late Roman Auxilia command from Newline Design A personal project for me. I have three units done and one to finish. This grouping will be the "brigade" command. |
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Ultra-modern/Sci-fi infantry in 15mm from RAFM Camo is not easy in 15mm. I might be trying too hard. |
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From Old Glory I think. A Czar painted as the Emperor for Traveller Long live the Iridium throne! |
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A 3D printed figure from my friend Ralph. A pastor or priest (He has a rosary on his belt) I intend to use him in The Silver Bayonet and/or my Traveller RPG campaign |