This year's event (June 25-26) at the Backus Page House Museum in Wallacetown, ON, celebrated in particular the Fleming family, a family who settled in the area after the American War of Independence (although no one appears to be sure if they were displaced Loyalists or people who simply wanted to get away from the fighting.)
In any event, the site was lively with about 90 reenactors present, with sutlers and staff added in and then visitors. The attendance of visitors was lighter than the past two years, but there were other events going on in the area to compete with ours. The weather cooperated for the most part. Your humble blogger was the commander of the forces of the Republic (17th, 21st, 22nd, and the Canadian Volunteers) while Many Strings, a veteran reenactor of Mohawk warriors, was over-all commander of the Crown forces. (the 1st of Foot/Royal Scots, the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada, the British Indian Department, Caldwell's Rangers, and His Majesty's Woodland Allies) Both days saw a "house raid" in the late morning where US forces raided and "burned" the Fleming house only to be chased off by Crown forces. (The Fleming household was actually burned in MacArthur's Raid in 1814.)In the afternoon, a skirmish on the hillside behind the house, letting both the artillery crews (the Provincial Marine and the Earl of Moira) and the infantry formations burn some powder. We always end with a salute to the audience and a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the service of their nation or in service of the land. (Sad to say, I forgot this on Sunday.)
Now... it's photos you want to see. These are courtesy of Steve Zronik, Tara Haves, and the staff of the museum.
Many Strings/Kim at his wiki in camp |
Mr. Kidd, gun commander, in full dress |
Our old friend, Norm with a new friend |
IMUC (the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada) drilling |
Tom of the British Indian Department makes his point |
21st and 22nd US Infantry and a US scout/ranger (Mike, Alex, Marcus, Neil, and Mike) |
the small but mighty US side - Canadian Volunteers and regular infantry The Volunteers were Canadians who fought for the US and, if caught, were summarily executed. |
"A lovely day if the Americans don't ruin it!" |
The residents of the house suspect nothing. (Actually they were well informed.) The young fellow on the far left serves on a cannon crew. |
The boys decided to take on the US scouts and were "dispatched." |
IMUC makes ready to fire at the raiders. |
The US raiders maintain individual fire. ("Fire at will!") |
The Regulars await the Crown response. |
Mike and Alex were the scouts. None better!
The Volunteers give fire. |
The Royal Scots return fire. This regiment served in North America for the bulk of the War of 1812,
"Remember men... pillage, THEN burn!" |
The Volunteers' ensign advances the "torch." I made up a fake torch with red, orange, and yellow tissue paper. Not a real fire (God forbid!) but it didn't look bad. |
In the afternoon, the action was on the hill behind the museum's buildings. |
Alex, the Provincial Marine's cannon, and your humble blogger watch the battle start to unfold. A young lady from Ukraine served on that gun crew... and had to "Kiss the sponge." (An artillery custom on your first time on a gun crew. Your cheeks and forehead get smeared with the dirty sponge.) |
The Moira's gun fires |
The "fog of war" IMUC |
One of the Scots takes a breather as a casualty. |
Many Strings moves up on the US firing line. |
The Earl of Moira's gun is put in position. The guns use a comparatively large amount of powder, so usually on fire 4 times. SAFETY FIRST! |
The Scots, grenadiers and light company, give fire. |
The US Regulars engage the BID, Caldwell's Rangers, and the First Nations Warriors |
The US firing line before the charge by the Regulars. When they ran out of powder, the blue-coats waited until the Scots were ready to fire and then they charged... and fell. |
After the house raid on Sunday, we offered a salute and thanks to the staff and the audience. |
On Saturday, we prepare to salute and then dismiss, |
In the afternoon, the muskets are cleared before the salute. |
"Present... ARMS!" |
Back in camp, Alex splits wood for the fire. |
A VERY popular destination after lunch and all afternoon. |
On Saturday, John S. raised the colours. |
Moving the gun by human power! |
In the Kid's Area, this 'sensory table' was quite popular. It was full of corn and various toys. |
Linda Lee started this theme and her husband, Steve Z. took photos of many of the woman involved in reenacting and the museum. What the sign says is true!
My wife likes to be seen as NOT well behaved. She's made history with me! |
Well, Mike of the Earl of Moira had to do it. That's all I'll say.
My wife, Beth in her First Nation's gear. Willow of the Unami Lenni Lenape |
Your humble blogger, lounging. |
I love the recruiting sign, John! Next one should say "2 opposing teeth and still standing" 😁
ReplyDeleteI'll get IMUC on that right away. By the way, our battle narrator always points out that exact fact!
DeleteGotta bite that powder open!