I've been out of circulation for a bit, dealing with three things - the stomach flu, a serious head cold, and the season of Lent. As a pastor, it gets quite busy. If you add illness to the mix, it doesn't get any better. So I've had little time and less energy to blog. Because of that I'm "behind" in battle reports.
About three weeks ago, we played a huge game of American Civil War using the
Black Powder rules. I find these rules to be quite playable for the period and I'm looking forward to Warlord Games ACW supplement, which the rumour mill reports is coming out before long. Warlord's website has been teasing us with hints of the internal art work. Well, I know I'm going to buy it when it come available.
The game had eight players. I actually ended up on the Federal/Union side along with Martin L., Ralph (who supplied all the figures and the bulk of the terrain) and Graeme. The Confederate side was run by Martin J. (of J&M Miniatures), Jakob, Barnaby, and Bear (who got to push his beloved Rebels on the table.) I had the far left flank of the Union army with a three regiment infantry brigade supported by a cavalry regiment and a unit of skirmishers/pickets. I faced Martin J. who had a similar force with maybe an extra infantry regiment.
I should mention that two other games were going on at the same time. A game of
Napoleon at War was held in one corner and another corner saw a game of
Muskets & Tomahawks for F&I. It was a very busy day and the library likes it that way. It helps with their numbers... and funding.
The battlefield, with your humble blogger on the far right... checking his phone for messages from the high command. |
Muskets & Tomahawks with lots of musket fire |
Graeme observes the Rebel advance. |
A lovely little church in the wild wood... perhaps a Dunker church? |
I'll be honest. The game was hard fought. Martin L.'s troops were hammered by Jakob until they broke. Ralph didn't fare much better. Graeme held on in the face of Bear's aggressive moves. The oddest thing about the game was that I won my end of it. My cavalry defeated Martin J.'s and my infantry eventually came to hand-to-hand with his and beat him! I actually felt bad! I'm used to losing so actually winning was a new thing to me. I hope to get used to it.
Martin L's brigade advances with the elite Zouaves in the van. |
A Rebel regiment stands it's ground. |
I think these troops and battery were under Ralph's command. He has an incredible collection! |
Toward the end of the game, my Bluecoats assaulted the Confederate over a rail fence. The Rebels broke and ran. The stand holding the die and a casualty figure is Ralph's brilliant way to keep track of casualties on the unit. |
Graeme's Union Cavalry |
My cavalry after sending the Confederate cavalry packing. The Rebel cavalry officer shadowed my horsemen but could do nothing but hurl insults. |
Confederate Picket and artillery |
The Federal troops advance. |
Another view of the advance. I have yet to figure out what state Ralph's troops are from. The flag here is the issue regimental one. |
My cavalry support my infantry attack with useless pistol fire. |
Meanwhile, back in the corn crib... |
My pickets guarded my right flank, behind an rail fence and in some rough ground. |
Meanwhile in the French & Indian War, French regular infantry advance. |
British regulars head into battle. The cotton balls shows that the unit has fired. The green glass markers shows how many action the unit has left that turn. |
Grenadiers! Hat-men! Ti-cats! |
La Belle France's native allies own the woods. |
Lunch time! Pulled pork sandwiches from the laundromat across the street, The sandwiches are really quite good! There used to be a Polish deli over there as well and I mourn that business's passing. |
A few more random photos to round out this blog entry.
Ralph's "grand battery" |
The French attempt to cure Napoleon's "Spanish Ulcer." Napoleon at War rules being used by Cecil and company. |
Muskets & Tomahawks is card-driven. I usually don't care for card-driven games but I like this one. |
One of my regiments in support of my pickets, |
Things got blurry on the other end of the table. |
... and in the F&I as the French light infantry advance. |
Great write up. Next time John :)...
ReplyDeleteCount on it, Martin. You and your folks are welcome any time!