It has been a while since I've "blogged." Let's blame life and laziness for that. In the meantime, I've been painting and assembling various projects that interest me. Let me bore you... I mean, SHOW you.
First off, NOT MY MODELS! Some wonderful 3D printed Age of Sail ship done by my friend, Glenn. There's a "Loonie" (Canadian $1 coin for those not in the know) placed there for reference. These are CHOICE! |
Another "Glenn ship" |
More of the fleet |
Andy and I have dredged up an interest in Wooden Ships & Iron Men, the old SPI classic. Martin contributed some 3D printed ships before he left for the North and his North-enomics. |
For the ancient Epic 40K, some Ork-y weirdness I see that GW is "reintroducing" Epic for 30K. That doesn't interest me... especially since I have a container ship-load of original Epic unpainted! |
A company of an as-yet unnamed Space Marine Chapter. "Swamp Angels?" "The Emperor's Butter Knives?" Just don't know yet. |
The Silver Bayonet front...
Nosferatu vampires from D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures Icky! |
Bob Murch's Pulp Miniatures Dominatrix from one of the villain packs I don't know how I'll use this figure but I found it in the "Figure Mine." |
Wargames Atlantic Digital Armed female A really nice Napoleonic figure - lots of character and animation... and two pistols! |
A "Black Brunswicker" for the British list. I'd say to "add colour." Black is a colour, isn't it? |
Varied dungeon clutter Hot coals (Pulp), an owl (GW), and a torch (Pulp) |
Another Wargames Atlantic Digital Napoleonic woman. She's frying eggs... and there are two eggs in the pan! I really like these figs and I'd recommend them for Napoleonic gamers in 25mm or any Silver Bayonet player |
For the SB French list, a fusilier of the Legion Irelandaise. This "boyo" should know all about "ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night." |
Also for the French, some Swiss regiment troops. The Swiss regiments were known as solid troops, competent and well-disciplined. |
Meanwhile, "In space, no one can hear you whine."
I journeyed into vast wild place of 3D printed things on the internet and found, among other things, this robot. There were two in the group... with belly guns! |
Look familiar? I should hope so! Remarkably like the Sardaukar from the 1984 version of Dune. I prefer the new version of the movie, but these figs were just too nice. |
Some sort of Sci-Fi Military/Security trooper from the 3D printed universe. I liked this one and his eight or so comrades as well as the robots. |
Now it gets weirder...
From Skull & Crown Miniatures, the miniature I call the "abbot rabbit", vested with thruible (incense burner) |
A rabbit processional So much fun! |
And more...
A selection of Bob Murch's deadly woman for Pulp (or Sci-fi) gaming |
Late Roman Auxilia Palatina command stand from Newline Design in 20mm. {For a personal project} |
Federal Command Stand for my Shako ACW project. Figures from Essex and Freikorps. |
Lastly, Andy and I have hit upon Osprey's Honours of War rules for the Seven Years War. We found them quite playable, rather realistic in feel, and able to finish a game in a decent amount of time... by which I mean, playable in less than a long weekend and still not done in 20 minutes. I'd recommend you look into them if Tricorn battles interest you.
Prussians vs. French somewhere in the Rhineland |
More Prussian/French dust-up The game has a good feel and I -for one- like it.
Next installment: my SYW Russian army takes on a new shape.
Thanks for looking in!