On the weekend of September 26-27, The Backus Page House Museum in Wallacetown, ON hosted a historical event - the "Life in the Talbot Settlement" timeline. This may have been the only full reenactment in Ontario this year. Just about every possible precaution was arranged to prevent an spread of the pandemic virus, including social distancing, masking, hand cleaning, and COVID-19 tracing information. The number of guests was limited to 50 each half-day period.
For example, Saturday morning, the gates opened at 10:00am. At 11:00, an equestrian display by the WWI reenactors took place. At 11:30, a display of 1812-era cannon fire, of an American Civil War volley gun (although it did not take place Saturday morning), and a Spanish Civil War machine gun (all done by compressed air) took place. At 12:00 noon, a "raid" on the house by War of 1812 reenactors took place. At 1:00pm, the first batch of guests was to be gone and a second batch came in. The afternoon's activities mirrored the morning's.
Reenactors were present for the American Civil War (55,000 Canadians volunteered in various units during that conflict), the War of 1812, WWI, the Spanish Civil War (the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion of the International Brigades), and WWII. All the assembled reenactors reflected a portion of Canada's military history. A small number of units withdrew prior to the event because of health concerns, especially since they were coming from areas with a much higher infection rate than our Elgin County.
Now the photos, which say more than my words. (My thanks to Laughing Devil Photography, Steve Zronik, Beth Goldsworthy, Rob McGuire, and Kylee Lanigan for the kind permission to use their photos.)
Although anachronistic, masks were worn by reenactors (outside their camp areas), guests, and staff. Health and safety first!!! |
Here Raiffe repeats his mantra: "Keep your distance, you filthy plague rats!" |
Among the sutlers, the Toymaker and friend.
This fellow had the most amazing stock for sale!
The ACW camp - Confederate to the left, Union to the right. |
Many of the reenactors helped the museum by monitoring traffic in and out of the house. Here a WWII reenactor in Canadian kit watches the front door. |
This way to the BID's camp and display! |
The American Civil War surgeon shows the tools of his trade.
Backus Page house with Gwen and Paul
The music was fantastic!
Angela, the museum's cultural director, unveils a display honouring Jim Waucaush of the Oneida of the Thames First Nation, who was captured at Dieppe and survived the POW camp to return to Canada at the end of the war. His son -seen here- was present for the event. |
The "Mac-Paps" showed up for their first public reenactment and showed up in style!
That's a WWII ambulance hiding under the camo netting... in case you can't see it.
A Lewis Gun reproduction belonging to the WWI reenactors.
Reenactors of the WWI Canadian Mounted Rifles go through their paces.
You can see the detail on this WWI reenactor's uniform and equipment.
A Confederate reenactor shares a salute.
The Union's supply officer/store keeper works the books.
A talk in the Union Camp.
Loading the volley gun.
... and firing it!
"No Pasaran!!" ("They shall not pass!")
Jordan and Brendan in Mac-Pap kit.
It's never fun... to haul the machine gun.
Jordan and his toy... which drew plenty of attention.
The Mac-Pap troops carried and fired both the Canadian Ross rifle and the Russian Moisan-Nagant. |
Canada's volunteers for Spain!
Daryl as the chief machine gunner. |
Peter as part of the Canadian Blood Transfusion unit. These Canadian medics pioneered battlefield transfusions.
If I seem to have spent a lot of time and ink talking about the Mac-Paps, it is because I find the unit interesting. SCW reenactors are very few and far between. This is a period of history that is almost unknown to many and their fight is worth a remembering. The Spanish Civil War was an exceptionally brutal conflict, pitting Fascists/Nationalists assisted by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy against the Left-wing Republicans who were supported by the Soviet Union. Men from all over the world went to Spain to volunteer for the Republic's forces. Some volunteered for the Nationalist side but it was less so. Orwell's
Homage to Catalonia and Hemingway's
For Whom the Bell Tolls are both written about the Spanish Civil War, Hemingway's a novel and Orwell's a first person account.
This is getting lengthy, so I'll continue with a second blog shortly.