Well, life got in the way of blogging again. The past few weeks have been busy - funerals, a wedding, and the Synod Convention in Toronto. At least at the last event I got to dance the Chicken Dance with the Presiding Bishop for a short time.
Anyway, a few weeks ago, Beth and I were invited to join in the fun at the Black Creek Pioneer Village in Toronto, ON. Every year they hold an American War of Independence reenactment which usually pits Loyalist/Torie units against some Patriot/Rebel units. (You folks can decide how to sort that out.) My friend, Andy invited us to join in the fun as part of the "Yorkers" who reenact the King's Royal Regiment of New York, a premier Loyalist regiment. Since Beth was still in her AirCast boot, we didn't get any photos of the skirmish. That skirmish was held 'way back in the woods of the Pioneer Village... which sits at the north side of Toronto in the middle of all the traffic on Jane Street and Steeles Street. Andy had me join up with the so-called "veterans unit" - Macdonall's Company, which is made up of older men who don't like to/can't run around like the younger and more limber fellows of the Yorkers, the Queen's Rangers, Butler's Rangers, or the Highland Emigrants. (I decided I could never join Butler's Rangers. Not only do they run around too much, the original unit was involved in a massacre near where I was born - the so-called "Sugar Loaf Mountain massacre."
In any event, we got some photos of the REAL story - the piping of the Haggis. I'd never had haggis before and I enjoyed it! It isn't Scottish scrapple; it's far better. And it's served with whiskey as well.
The Yorkers' encampment with the tents in the background. |
Andy in his full regimentals as a member of the grenadier company... and myself. |
The same. |
The Haggis was piped in properly; the poem was recited; the dirk was used to slice open the storied puddin' and we all dug in. |
Haggis and Triscuits... Why not? |
My great experiment... |
Success! |
I was graciously invited to join the Yorkers. However, I feel a bit stretched at the moment. As Bilbo Baggins put it: "Too little butter scraped over too much bread." I will have to hold off because other commitments are taking my time. I enjoyed the day. Saw some old friends and made some new ones.
Now here is the wonder of the age: a sign that has amazed and perplexed me since I moved to the area seven years ago. Ask whatever question you want, it's still beyond talking about. (This really is a place of business near where I live. I've heard they keep the two activities in separate buildings, but one never knows.)
Have at it, boys and girls! |
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