For the third time, the yearly event memorializing the Battle of Culloden of the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion was held at the Backus Page House Museum in Wallacetown, ON. I've been taking part in this event for these past three years and I joined in one held in London, ON about eight years ago. My wife, Beth is on the museum board and is a volunteer for a number of events there.
I'll leave it to you, good reader, to see to the details of the conflict. It's called a "rebellion" since the Scottish Highlands (and others) rose to support "Bonnie Prince Charlie" against the Hanoverian king, George II. It might be better characterized as a civil war. Whether the Stuarts or the Hanoverians were the legitimate kings of Great Britain is a discussion for both wiser and harder heads then this author. Let it be enough to say that the event is popular one to many reenactors, especially in the Wallacetown area where many Jacobite clan families were eventually settled. Colonel Thomas Talbot set up the land grants for the crown in the 19th Century and he gave the choice lands to... everybody but the Scots, since he didn't like them.
The event itself is a lot of fun. Saturday, May 20 was an absolutely gorgeous day - cool, bright, and breezy. My son, Rob, and I served with the Sutherland Independent Companies, a militia unit. Andre, who portrayed Col. John Campbell, the Earl of Loudoun, had hurt himself and was barely able to speak. So since I was his sergeant last year, I was promoted sergeant major and served as his voice in the field and in the camp shenanigans. The turnout of the public was quite good and there were a large number of Jacobite clansmen present. The Government forces were smaller, with the Sutherland Militia, the soldiers of Clan Campbell, and both grenadiers and "hatmen" from the regular army represented... and cannon for both sides. (Photos courtesy of Beth, of Laughing Devil Photography, and of William J. Wright. My thanks to all.)
Andre as Colonel Campbell, the Earl of Loudoun |
Chris as His Royal Highness, Charles Edward Stuart - "Bonnie Prince Charlie"
He's been portraying the Prince for quite a few years and does it well. |
I believe this is Lord Elcho. |
Mike, as the chief of the Prince's Bodyguard and a sergeant of Baggot's Hussars |
Rob and myself in the government camp.
This was Rob's first time out, so he was in trousers and a plaid vest.
Beth had made me a red jacket and a set of trews.
My knee braces would look strange with a kilt on. |
The MacLachlan (Tom) inspects the Jacobite clan soldiers after the morning flag raising. |
The soldiers of Clan Campbell - supporters of the Government
Marcio (far right) was the sergeant. The whole group were part of the King's Royal Regiment of New York,
an American War of Independence reenactment group. |
The Campbells, the Southerlands, and the Grenadiers of the 1st Foot (The Royal Scots) at drill. |
The shenanigans begin!
I addressed the crowd of onlookers for Lord Loudoun while a planted reenactor heckled me.
I had the grenadiers arrest him... |
...Which they did... |
... only to have a band of Jacobites rescue him. |
Jeff, in full uniform of a grenadier of the Royal Scots. |
Beautiful onlookers in proper attire. |
In the afternoon, the reenactment got loud, with a battle scene based on a MacGregor ambush of Government troop near a small fort in the highlands. Andre led the Royal Scots and the Campbells to reinforce the fort, which was held by the Sutherlands and a mixed group of regulars as well as a small artillery piece. The Jacobites attacked from three sides, much to the delight of the crowd.
Strategy session at the "fort." - Sutherlands and Regulars |
They fired first so we fired back! |
The second group of Jacobites begin their firing, coming up hill from stage right. |
The MacLachlan supervises the firing line, |
Lord Loudoun commands the reinforcing force - Campbells and grenadiers -
to hold their ground in the face of Jacobite volleys. |
As the pipes skirl, the Jacobites advance "at the ordinary." |
The reinforcements have come up-hill and take a defensive position.
My skirmish line is off to the photo's left behind the cannon. |
The dreaded "Highland Charge" begins.
The fire discipline of the Clansmen wasn't equal to that of the regulars, so the solution
was to come to hand-to-hand as quickly as possible.
Sword and targe and Lochebar axe would do the trick! |
The Government forces begin to surrender. You kneel and reverse your "firelock." |
The two uniformed "regulars" and I stand off a batch of Highlanders
who had come around the back of the "fort" to take us from behind.
The "Fort" is actually a small barn on the top of the hill on the Museum property.
My son and "Wee Tom" didn't surrender, but took to their heels and ran off.
(They actually hid behind the other barn until we marched off the hill.
Then they dashed over to a path and met us as part of the crowd.) |
Earlier in the day, the Prince and his entourage went for a stroll, to the accolades of the crowd.
I was returning to my tent area with my lunch as the group passed.
It assured Mike that my lunch made me neutral and I bowed to His Royal Highness who wished me a good lunch! |
In the evening, the tavern opened and grog was served.
For those wondering, "grog" is one part rum, two parts water, fresh lemons, and brown sugar to taste.
I had to go home to prepare for worship Sunday morning, so Beth told me all about this.
The recipe listed above is proper, but a mere guess as to what how much rum really was in the grog. |
Rob and I enjoy ourselves at the morning shenanigans. |
At the event, I purchased a Scottish basket-hilt broadsword.
It's quite a piece of work. My son is jealous.
(Patience, boy, patience!) |
Sunday was not as nice a day. Rob and I made it out to the Museum shortly after noon. The rain had turned the hillside into a muddy, slippery mess. So the Museum director consulted with the reenactors and event organizers and all agreed to cancel the day's activities. Disappointing, but just as well. No one wants to see people hurt. So we collected Beth (who had stayed the night at the site), packed up our tent, and went home. So until next year - on the Victoria Day weekend. Come out and visit the Government camp! And the Jacobite camp! And the lunch canteen!
A few more photos:
Seamus, who is instrumental in organizing this event, pledges loyalty to the Prince and his cause. |
Two ladies who wandered the site and often entertained us all with their singing. |
Seamus kept changing his hat, claiming neutrality (green tam) while actually
supporting the Jacobite cause (blue tam with the White Cockade.)
{The beard is real, by the way.} |
A lone Sutherland and the two regulars hold the one side of the fort. |
The Jacobite cannon gives fire. |
The Government artillery prepare to fire back. I'm busy loading and staying "behind the gun's axle" for safety. |
The Union Jack is replaced with St. Andrew's Cross. The Jacobites have won the day! |
Next at the Museum: