This past Saturday at the Hamilton Road Games Group, things were "in flux." We had originally planned another session of our newly home-grown hybrid rules for Seven Years' War, then we were offered a session of the game, "Tanks." Finally, Wayne brought his
Battletech battlefield based on the city of Quebec. (I think the title "
Battletech" has changed a few times, but that's the name I know it by.)
We've all seen this battle field before and even though I didn't play the game, I took a number of photos of it since it is JUST SO WONDERFULLY NICE! Wayne refereed while Bear, Martin, Brian, Matt, and DJ played. Andy, Ken, and I watched and discussed sealing wax, cabbages, and kings.
An all-encompassing view of the city/battlefield |
Checking the stats - weapons, speed, power, heat, all the usual stuff. |
Each building is numbered and indexed as to strength and damage points. Grey buildings are concrete construction, red are brick, and yellow/orange are wood. Mechs can stand atop the concrete ones. They could stand on the brick or wood ones, but not for long. |
The "Armory" in the lower city. |
Industrial concerns below the Citadel. |
Axis Petrochemicals? Quick! Tell Batman! |
The Citadel and the Plains of Abraham... and iced tea. |
Le Château Frontenac overlooking the entire place. |
Some of the paths in the old city are pretty tight. |
Bear's dice One of the pathways up the cliff can be seen centre left in white. |
Here you can see the depth of the river. Mechs can travel submerged if their hull is not damaged. |
DJ, Martin, Wayne, Matt, and Brian look over the battlefield. |
DJ's mech prepares to defend the Citadel. He did this by means of "urban renewal." |
"Urban renewal" in HRGG "mech-speak" means demolishing buildings to achieve a better field of fire. Lovely ruins, I say. |
More "urban renewal" and a chase down the tight alleys of the old city. |
DJ's hand aka "The Hand of the Almighty" resetting a mech. The Citadel was supposed to have defensive fire capacity, but the gunners were declared "asleep." |
DJ's mech takes down Bear's mech with a double head shot. DJ later sustained so much damage, the mech's torso and arms were wrecked, so he was a head with legs. |
The fight goes on atop the ridge. |
DJ and Martin successfully defended what was left of Quebec city from Matt, Bear, and Brian. I sat out mostly because I had things to discuss with Andy and I'm not a huge fan of
Battetech. I've played it and I truly think that a determined platoon of infantry hidden on the table with RPGs and other such futuristic launchers would make mince-meat out of those mechs in a city environment. (...
but what do I know?)
Meanwhile, here's my my son, Rob, with his new pup-dog, Atlas!
Love at first sight if I ever saw it. |
I'm an Advent guy and I don't like to pre-celebrate the festival of Christmas too early, but this next photo was too good not to share.
Enjoy yourselves, folks!